Changing the Way Schools Fundraise: The Dover City Schools Kindness Initiative and Bright School Kits

We all know the drill: those endless fundraisers that ask us to buy yet another batch of cookie dough or wrapping paper. But what if I told you there's a new way to support our schools that's not only more effective but also super fun and heartwarming? Let me tell you about the kindness initiative at Dover City Schools and how it might change the way you think about fundraising.

The Problem with Traditional Fundraisers

Let's be real—how many times have we reluctantly bought something we didn't need just to support a school fundraiser? Dover City Schools, with its 1,200 energetic K-5 students, felt the same way. Traditional fundraising methods just weren’t cutting it anymore. The community was tired of purchasing unnecessary items but still wanted to make a real difference.

That's when they decided to flip the script. Instead of selling products, they focused on something much more meaningful: acts of kindness. The goal? Perform 5,000 acts of kindness throughout the community. And guess what? The kids crushed it, surpassing their goal and raising over $35,000! How amazing is that?

Why It Works

This new approach does more than only raise funds. It builds a stronger community. Kids get to learn the value of kindness and teamwork, and parents like us can breathe easy knowing our money is going toward something genuinely worthwhile. Plus, it’s so inclusive! Every child can participate, regardless of their family's financial situation.

With the money raised, Dover City Schools can support academic programs, fun events like field days, and even holiday assistance for families in need. The impact goes beyond just the classroom—it’s about creating a nurturing, supportive environment for our kids.

Bright School Kits: Revolutionizing Fundraising

Now, let’s talk about Bright School Kits. While we weren’t directly involved in the kindness initiative, we partner with Dover City Schools each year for Back-to-School shopping while helping raise additional funds for the school.

“Bright School Kits is a convenience for families. And as a parent, I don’t
feel like it’s a fundraiser. It’s a convenience for families. I save a ton of
money. The teachers love that they have everything put away, and it’s so
easy on our end. So many times, we had a fundraiser where we would
be literally packaging the boxes, but the fact that that is taken care of,
it’s just a great need. And the price, we can’t beat the price!” 
- Erika K, PTG President of Dover City Schools

Bright School Kits provides essential school supplies at a fraction of the retail cost, easing the financial burden on parents and ensuring every child has what they need to succeed.

By streamlining the process and focusing on necessities, Bright School Kits helps schools raise funds efficiently and effectively. No more running around at the last minute to buy overpriced items. Everything is pre-packaged and ready to go, saving time, money, and stress for everyone involved.

Real Impact

Both Dover City Schools and Bright School Kits show us that fundraising doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be an opportunity to teach our kids valuable life lessons, build stronger communities, and make a real difference in our schools. Let’s embrace these new ways of fundraising. Let’s support our schools, teach our kids the importance of kindness, and build a community we’re all proud to be part of.

Let’s change the way we fundraise, one act of kindness and one Bright School Kit at a time!

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